School for Scientific Thought (SST)
The School for Scientific Thought (SST) is a Saturday program for high school students in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. We are offering this program in Fall and Winter Quarters at UCSB. Each session meets 3 consecutive Saturdays 10:00am-2:00pm on the UCSB campus. The SST classes introduce students to concepts in science that extend beyond the typical high school science classroom – from nanotechnology to reverse engineering – and relate these concepts to “the real world”. A pizza lunch and campus tour will be provided each Saturday session. There will be no homework and no examinations.
The SST instructors are outstanding young UCSB scientists and engineers who are engaged in doctoral or post-doctoral research and want to share their enthusiasm for science, and their expertise in current research, with high school students.
In addition to the excitement of learning concepts involved in current science and engineering research, high school participants in SST gain access to the university setting and to scientist and engineer role models. SST places motivated students from various local and regional schools in direct contact with each other, allowing relationships to develop based on mutual interest in the sciences.
SST will continue to be offered free of charge. We hope you can join us!